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Late Night Linux – Episode 325

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Release Date: 17/03/2025


Name and Link Page Title Page Description
espargos ESPARGOS - ESP32-based phase-coherent WiFi sensing device ESPARGOS is a phase-coherent, ESP32-based WiFi antenna array designed for low-cost sensing applications.
demo video
OSM2GoogleMaps Bookmarklet Bookmarklet osm-google maps - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Cyd Cyd - Claw back your data from Big Tech Automatically delete your data from tech platforms, except for what you want to keep
twitter-defollower GitHub - popey/twitter-defollower: A Python script to automatically remove followers from your Twitter/X account. This script helps remove people who follow you, not people you follow. A Python script to automatically remove followers from your Twitter/X account. This script helps remove people who follow you, not people you follow. - popey/twitter-defollower
Cross Views You Should Make Cross Views – Ryan Moulton's Articles Your camera has the ability to take three dimensional photos. Your screen has the ability to display three dimensional photos. You’ve probably never used either.
About apt upgrade and phased updates About apt upgrade and phased updates - Ubuntu Server documentation You may have noticed recently that updating your system with apt upgrade sometimes produces a weird message about packages being kept back…like this one: If you’ve ever used combinations of package...