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Late Night Linux – Episode 317

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Release Date: 20/01/2025


Name and Link Page Title Page Description
Matt Ramblings of a maker, tinkerer, coder, sysadmin and amateur photographer
discoveries Homepage - Late Night Linux - Discoveries This site details all discoveries mentioned during episodes of Late Night Linux
Thingino Open-source Firmware for Ingenic SoC IP Camera Open-source firmware for Ingenic SoC IP cameras.
Motion GitHub - Motion-Project/motion: Motion, a software motion detector. Home page: Motion, a software motion detector. Home page: - Motion-Project/motion
Spotify Car Thing
Osci-render osci-render
ink – inkle’s narrative scripting language ink - inkle's narrative scripting language As used to author Heaven's Vault, 80 Days and Sorcery!: produce interactive scripts by writing in pure-text with ink markup.
8bitworkshop 8bitworkshop Learn how classic game hardware worked. Write code and see it run instantly. GitHub - aaronaanderson/Terrain: Open Source Wave Terrain Synth Open Source Wave Terrain Synth. Contribute to aaronaanderson/Terrain development by creating an account on GitHub.
Pikchr Pikchr: Documentation
AITrack GitHub - AIRLegend/aitrack: 6DoF Head tracking software 6DoF Head tracking software. Contribute to AIRLegend/aitrack development by creating an account on GitHub.
Klevernotes Office / KleverNotes · GitLab A note-taking and management application using markdown.
taskfinder kdwarn/taskfinder: A terminal user interface that extracts and displays tasks from plain text files. - taskfinder - A terminal user interface that extracts and displays tasks from plain text files.
InnerTune GitHub - z-huang/InnerTune: A Material 3 YouTube Music client for Android A Material 3 YouTube Music client for Android. Contribute to z-huang/InnerTune development by creating an account on GitHub.
StezStix Fix? StezStix Fix? - YouTube I might fix it. I might break it more than it was already broken. I might even make it explode. Who knows?
yt-dlp GitHub - yt-dlp/yt-dlp: A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader - yt-dlp/yt-dlp
Linux Mint 22 Linux Mint 22 “Wilma” released! – The Linux Mint Blog